Thank you for your interest in Civitas Schools.

To register your child for a place at one of our schools, click here.

Please read our admissions policy below before applying, to check that your child is eligible for a place.

Admissions Policy for the London schools

Please refer to our admissions policy if you are thinking of registering your child at one of the Civitas Schools. Please note that this admissions policy currently only applies to the London Schools.

Allocating places

Places are offered by a letter. Siblings of children already attending our classes are given priority when spaces become available. Children on the waiting lists are divided into age-group. Places are allocated on a first-come first-served basis by the relevant age-group. The waiting time is likely to be six months, but can be longer – please be patient. We will contact you as soon as there is a space available for your child.

What we expect from our pupils

Places at Civitas Schools are in high demand and we have long waiting lists of children eager to join. Our pupils are expected to work hard, complete their homework, attend every week and on time, and be polite.

Your child’s first lesson

Your child’s first session with us will be a trial lesson. Our teachers will informally assess whether our lessons are suitable for your child’s academic level and attitude to learning. Occasionally, we will place a child back on the waiting list if we feel they aren’t ready to join the classes.

Our teaching methods

Your child will spend half the session in an English lesson and half the session in a maths lesson, with a short break in the middle. Our experienced teachers focus on academic work using traditional teaching methods. We help children reach their full academic potential by concentrating on reading fluently, spelling accurately, practising times-tables and basic maths.

How we group our pupils

Children are grouped by ability rather than age, ensuring every child receives support suitable for the level they’re working at. We provide at least one teacher for every ten children and dedicated support teachers for those who require more intense support.

Resources and what to bring

Please make sure your child brings a pencil, a rubber, a drink and a healthy snack to each lesson. We provide all other resources including exercise books, excellent textbooks and reading books.


Your child will be given a small amount of homework at the end of every lesson. Please ask them about it and ensure that they complete it each week.


Alongside informal class tests, once a year we use the Interactive Computerised Assessment System (InCAS) programme. The InCAS test provides high quality, independent verification of the progress made by your child. The results allow us to accurately identify areas our pupils require further work in. We will send you a copy of your child’s InCAS scores and will be happy to discuss the results with you.


We expect that you will get to know your child’s teachers over the course of your time with us. At the end of each term we will send you a constructive and honest report. This will keep you informed of your child’s progress and highlight any specific comments or concerns the teachers may have.

Attendance and punctuality

If your child is going to miss a session, please inform us as soon as possible by calling the project assistant. If a child misses three classes in a term, their place will be offered to another child from the waiting list. It is also very important that children arrive on time for lessons so they do not disturb other pupils and miss out on precious class time.


We insist upon outstanding behaviour, courtesy and a calm learning environment. Children who disturb lessons will lose their place at the classes.


Fees range between £2 and £4 per week. They are collected at the beginning of each half-term by the lead teacher at your classes.