We are proud of the high academic standard set by our teachers. Our teachers have a love of subject knowledge and are given the time and space they need with their pupils to ensure core concepts in Maths and English are embedded in their understanding.
Unlike mainstream primary school teachers, our teachers are shorn of the pressures of SATs tests and a rigid curriculum. They are instead able to organise their lessons around the educational needs of the particular children in their class, focusing on properly understanding what is being taught.
Our teachers set high standards for behaviour in class to create a good learning environment for all, and work with parents to encourage their children’s learning.
Teachers will also be expected to mark pupils’ work, set homework, apply in-class tests when necessary, write end of term reports for parents, as well as other roles including good child safeguarding practices and liaising with the director and Education Advisor when necessary.
Teacher profilest
Read profiles of some of our teachers here.
Teaching opportunities
Find out about how you can become one of our teachers here.